SEERA Hockey Evaluations and Team Selection Guide

Objectives of Player Evaluations and Team Selections

  • Abide by the procedures and bylaws of the SEERA Hockey Association relative to player evaluations and team selections
  • To provide a fair and impartial assessment of a player's total hockey skills during the skating and scrimmage sessions
  • To ensure that players have a fair and reasonable opportunity of being selected to a team appropriate to their skill levels as determined during the on-ice evaluations of the current year
  • To provide coaches with the opportunity and flexibility to build a team based in part on the players ability as demonstrated during the evaluation process, their own coaching philosophy and knowledge of player skills and attitude in various situations
  • To provide uniformity and consistency in the evaluation process such that a player and parent expectations are consistently met from year to year as players move through the various levels of the association's programs
  • To form teams to maintain balanced and competitive play where the athletes can develop and participate equitably and have fun playing hockey during the season
  • To provide feedback to coaches in order to develop players with regards to individual skill needs

Evaluations Overview

Evaluations is the method used to rank all players and create a framework from which to assemble competitive teams within the EFHL model of competitive recreational youth hockey.

Roles and Responsibilities - Commissioner and Category Directors

Within SEERA Hockey, our evaluation process starts shortly after the Annual General Meeting. With the new elected board in place, and player registrations underway, Category Directors (“CD”) begin reviewing and planning for evaluations. The Commissioner meets with each CD to review and approve the evaluation process that will be used in for each category. It is the Commissioner's and CD's responsibility to ensure the evaluation process used is consistent with current SEERA Evaluation guidelines.

Once the process has been confirmed, it is the responsibility of the CD to ensure its execution. During the evaluation process, the Commissioner is in contact with the CD to ensure the process is followed as planned. Because our guidelines do not anticipate every possible situation, it may occasionally be necessary for the CD to make decisions relating to specific scenarios. During these times, it is not uncommon for the CD to discuss options to see if similar situations have occurred in the past and to understand what actions have been taken. All such decisions are reported to the Commissioner. If the Commissioner feels any decision is contrary to the intent of the guidelines, they may discuss alternatives with the CD. If resolution cannot be achieved, the two groups will meet with the President of SEERA to render a final decision.

It is important to note that neither the Commissioner nor the CD’s are responsible for evaluating players. The CD duties are to understand the evaluation process, coordinate the required volunteers, collect and record evaluation data, organize players for subsequent skates based on evaluation results, and to hear parent concerns during the process. The Commissioner's duties are to ensure the process is clearly laid out for the CD, to ensure the CD is following the process and to review the results to ensure they are consistent with the association’s evaluation guidelines. After the evaluation process, they are also responsible to review written appeal cases, collecting suggestions from all stakeholders and recommend changes to the framework for future evaluations.

Evaluation Rankings

It is important to understand that aggregated evaluator scores ultimately determine player rankings. The CD and the Commissioner are simply controls to ensure all players are ranked as fairly as possible according to our guidelines. Evaluation rankings are based on observed player performance during the evaluation process and become the primary piece of information used to place players onto teams for the season. Rankings are not to be based upon future potential, past performance, parents opinions, how many summer camps the player has attended, past team members placement or coaches comments in the stands. Prior year rankings are used for determination of the groupings for the first skate, except for goaltenders, and are then retained for reference and potentially tie breaker criteria during team selection at the end of the evaluation process.

Evaluation Process Overview

All participants should understand that team selection is not complete until after the final evaluation takes place, and all information has been reviewed by CD and the Commissioner. The player evaluation process generally consists of three or more on-ice sessions, commonly referred to as evaluation rounds. As you can imagine, to evaluate 150+ players over 3+ rounds requires multiple ice times per round. Due to the number of players involved, and grouping players for each skate, we are unable to accommodate requests for specific ice times. Players will need skate during their assigned ice times.

Efforts will be made to inform players in advance of all potential evaluation ice times for their category in advance. Please note, while these scheduled ice times are usually followed through to completion of evaluations, it is possible that ice times may change due to a number of reasons, including but not limited to, the number of players registered or facilities issues that may required rescheduling.

Players will be contacted by their CD to inform them of their first skate time and arena. This may be via email, phone calls or more likely via website/TeamSnap postings. Following completion of the first assigned evaluation skate, evaluator scores will be tabulated, reviewed and used to create groups for the next skate. Groups will be assigned to an ice time, and players will notified of their next ice time. This process will continue for each remaining evaluation round. It is important to understand that players may move between groups through the process. Please do not make any assumptions regarding which team your player will be placed on based on evaluation groupings. Teams are not finalized until the evaluation process has completed.

Team Selection Overview

Once player evaluation skates have been completed, and players have been ranked, teams are selected by the CD and Coaches according to skill level groupings. Generally, this is done by deciding how many players will play on a team and assigning players based on the ranking. For the duration of this guide, let's assume there are 13 players per team for clarity in reading. However, teams at different levels will typically have a different number of players, and registration numbers may dictate that a team may end up with more or less skaters. During the team selection process Coaches have some latitude to select a player based on accepted criteria. An example of this is a coach may select a player that has specific attributes (size, speed, defense, offense…) relative to the rest of the team.

Once all the proposed teams have been created by the CD, the Commissioner reviews the process used, spot checks evaluation sheets to ensure accurate data entry, and looks closely at team selections and tie breakers. Their primary goal is to ensure there have been no oversights or errors made while selecting the teams. Remember, the group(s) a player skated with during evaluations does not dictate what team they will be placed on. There is a finite amount of players per team and in most cases the difference in skill level between teams is quite small. In some cases, 2-3 teams may be made out of a grouping of players that exhibit similar skill levels and may have skated together during evaluations.


In the end, it is the responsibility of the CD’s and the Commissioner to ensure the evaluations are well organized, fair, accurate, enjoyable, and run with integrity so that the players can participate competitively with and against players of similar skill and have an enjoyable hockey season. Throughout this process, it is typical for the different groups to keep the President apprised of the evaluation process and aware of potential concerns or issues that arise. In extreme cases, the President may become involved to facilitate resolution as he is ultimately responsible to the membership to ensure all the volunteers have completed their duties responsibly.

The evaluation process is an honest effort utilizing volunteers who commit many personal hours to ensuring a fair and consistent process for all players. No process is perfect, we are constantly striving to improve the process for the ultimate enjoyment of the game for all players at all skill levels. Should you have a suggestion, please forward it in writing to the SEERA President. All suggestions and comments are reviewed by the Commissioner and CD’s each year and where applicable will be implemented.  Your positive involvement in this process is a fundamental part to ensuring a successful and enjoyable hockey season for all participants.

Initial Player Placement

  1. For the start of evaluation process, players who played with SEERA in the previous season will be placed in groups according to the level that they played during the last season. The size of these groups will be determined by the CD to accommodate the evaluation of that specific age group.
  2. First year, second year, and possibly third year players may be separated into 3 initial skating groups. Note that due to ice time considerations, a complete segregation of initial skaters may not be possible.
  3. Players moving up to a new age category, after playing at a high level in their previous category, may not be placed in the top grouping of skaters for the initial evaluation skate. The CD, with support from the Commissioner as required, will make starting point decisions based available data.
  4. New players to SEERA will be placed in their initial group based on information provided to the CD prior to the evaluation. This includes where they played and the level the player played in their prior season. The CD will make the final decision on the initial placement of the player.
  5. Players returning from AA / AAA club tryouts with the Maple Leaf Athletic Club, or other club team, will be placed according to the guidelines as above. The length of time spent at club tryouts will not justify a higher placement for SEERA evaluations.

Injured or Absent Player Placement

All injuries or absences will require a parent’s note or other document to ensure the absences are of a legitimate nature. The CD and Commissioner reserve judgment as to whether or not absences are within reason.  A player missing one evaluation session will not be penalized and their next skate will be at the last placement grouping. A player missing two evaluation sessions without legitimate cause will automatically be moved down one or two groups from where their final rankings would have placed them.

Injured or Absent Player Prior to Evaluations

  1. A player injured or absent for the entire evaluation session will seed where the majority of his/her previous year team mates seed. However the CD, along with the Commissioner and with input from the coaching staff, reserve the right to change the team, up or down, based upon team skill level compared to the returning player's skill level.
  2. A player returning from injury or absences part way through the evaluation process will begin their evaluation where the majority of their previous year teammates are currently placed. Movement from that point forward, either up or down, will be based upon the player’s performance.

Injured or Absent Player During Evaluations

A player injured or absent after the evaluation process has commenced, will have their most recent evaluation session placement recorded.  At the same time, the majority of their previous teammates' evaluation placement will also be noted. The relative difference between the absent player’s placement and corresponding majority of the teammates placement will be used to seed the absent player at the conclusion of evaluations. This decision will be made by the CD and will be supported by the Commissioner and the President, if necessary. The player may be moved up or down after initial placement as in example 1 above.

Example 1: If after the 3rd round of evaluations a player is situated in group 4, which is one group above the group where the majority of previous year players are seeded, then the absent player will be placed in a group one down where the majority group end up.

Example 2: A common occurrence during the evaluation process is the timing of the tryouts for SEERA hockey and interscholastic sports. The timing of these conflicting events is very unfortunate, but this occurs regularly. A priority choice has to be made by the players during evaluations in fairness to all registered players. To meet EFHL deadlines for team formation, the short timeframe we have to work with may affect your team placement. Evaluations for players who choose not to participate in all skates will affect their team placement.

Note: Some discretion will be used where the absence occurs 1 or 2 sessions into evaluations.

The above are guidelines on how to estimate where absent players should be placed. The CD, in consultation with the Commissioner, may move a returning player, either up or down, to a group where their skill level is more comparable based on their discretion.

Evaluator Qualifications

SEERA utilizes the services of member volunteers to complete its evaluation process. Volunteers put their names forward to be an evaluator on their registration forms and selections are based on the number of evaluators required, their hockey knowledge and experience level. The evaluators will follow the directions and guidelines of the CD for each specific level.  Anyone interested in being a Head Coach or Assistant Coach are strongly encouraged to volunteer to assist with the evaluation process. If you have not already expressed interest to be an evaluator and wish to do so, please reach out to your CD.

  1. We have a basic rule that evaluators with a player in the evaluation group, will not evaluate their own player. Their players' mark attained during an evaluation session will be an average of all the other evaluators.
  2. Any concerns should be brought forward to the CD as soon as possible. The director will be able to explain the process and provide you with general information as to the reasoning for a specific player's placement.
  3. Should satisfactory resolution not be made between the parents and the CD, a request for a formal appeal must be made in writing and sent to the SEERA President. SEERA will not accept verbal communication as an acceptable appeal. The Commissioner will expeditiously review the evaluation process to date and will rule on the final placement of the child in writing, which will be tendered back to the parents, the association President, the CD and will be submitted to the board upon completion. At his point, the player has been seen, ranked, and/or reviewed over 3 or more sessions. The data has been reviewed and entered by the CD in conjunction with their assistants. The decision made by the Commissioner and CD and is final and binding. Once a player is placed on a team there will be NO issuing of any refund. The President will review all written complaints that are directed to either the Commissioner or CD to ensure they receive fair and timely adjudication.

Player Evaluation Process

Evaluators are looking for game skills such as overall skating ability, speed, transition at speed, puck control at speed, puck pursuit, physical play, defensive and offensive abilities, forechecking and back checking abilities and effort. Players will move up or down various skating groupings based upon evaluator marks but only after the data has been tabulated by the CD. These movements will be reflected in the assigned group skate for a player’s next assigned skate. Players will not move during or immediately after an evaluation skate unless there was a glaring error in placement. For example, it may become very obvious, very quickly that a new player who just moved to town, with very little comparative skill data, was placed in the wrong starting group and they should be moved.

Any given skating group does not indicate the team placement. Grades will remain confidential between evaluators and CDs, and will not be shared during skates. Grades are typically scored for specific game skills out of 5. For example, grades are typically along teh lines of:

  • 1 = not competitive with this group
  • 2 = below average
  • 3 = consistent with the majority of players at this group
  • 4 = above average
  • 5 = clearly superior within this group

The evaluation process is designed to ensure the fair, equitable and consistent treatment of all participants. The guidelines may be modified, as required, to facilitate ice availability, volunteer availability and player registration, without compromising the integrity of the process. Players may be moved into different session groupings at the discretion of the CD.

Defense Evaluation Process

SEERA recognizes the need for dedicated and skilled defense in certain age categories. A problem that has been encountered for some years has been a lack of dedicated defense in the older age categories. As a result, SEERA will identify & evaluate defense separately from forwards. SEERA includes a requested position on all of its registration forms and all players have the opportunity to designate their position as defense on the registration form. Players are given a second opportunity to declare themselves as dedicated defense at the first evaluation ice time.

Dedicated defense will be evaluated on the same basis by the evaluators. They will be ranked and placed on teams based on the rankings against their peer group. Where there is a significant imbalance regarding the number of defense for any given team, the CD may adjust final placements to ensure there are sufficient dedicated defense on each team. The coach will then need to work with their team to decide on the best method of filling any remaining defense spots during games. It should be noted there could be certain instances where the numbers do not work out, or where there is a definite discrepancy in defense skill levels.

SEERA, its executive and directors reserve the right to deviate from this policy when necessary. Every attempt must be made to ensure the proper placement of players recognizing appropriate skill level and safety concerns.

Evaluation Methodology

A record of reach player's individual evaluation scores, their overall ranking and overall group scores are maintained for each evaluation round. A player’s final ranking is determined by averaging each of the normalized skate rankings over the course of all evaluation skates.  Normalization is the process of mathematically ranking the players within a group by the average of the evaluator rankings for that group. The last player of one group is ranked one position ahead of the best ranked player of the subsequent group.

Mathematical ties are resolved in the following order:

  1. Second year players take precedence over first year players.
  2. A returning SEERA player takes precedence over a first year SEERA player.
  3. CD will make a judgment call and it will be noted for Commissioner review.

Principles of Evaluation Methodology and Review

  • Evaluations are meant to be for the players not the parents. They must stand up to scrutiny, be easy to understand from a parent and player perspective, and be challenging enough to clearly show a players talent to evaluators and be easy to administer. They must not be overly challenging whereas the “fun” aspect is removed for players or players feel humiliated or upset in front of their peers.
  • Evaluation systems vary from association to association and no single method is perfect. Each year our evaluation process is reviewed and debriefed by the Commissioner, CD’s, and the President in an effort to improve the process in use at SEERA.
  • All comments, suggestions and complaints (and compliments!) are retained, reviewed and reported to the board.
  • Recommendations by the Commissioner should not be completed until the end of season meeting has been completed and a significant number of year end Coach Player assessments are received.
  • Recommendations for changes are then made by the Commissioner and voted upon as a whole by the board
  • This review process may be extensive and sometimes exhaustive. It must be known that each parent has a voice and it is in this process that their voice is heard. If a parent is silent or has suggestions or complaints, the right people must be spoken to. Those people would be the CD, Commissioner, and the association President.
  • All suggestions are documented by the board member they are presented to and are then discussed during our review process.
  • The review process may take an entire season of hockey so a proper assessment may be made by using information from evaluation data, team selection data and year-end Coach assessments from players.
  • Team competitiveness, how many games won or lost, tournaments won or lost does not generally play a large factor in the review process, as it is skewed by how EFHL tiered teams throughout the year.
  • There is no standard evaluation process across associations within the EFHL (Confederation, SWAT, KC, Whitemud West, etc.). While there is often communication between personnel from various associations regarding what works well or not for them, and association personnel learn from each other, every association determines the process and guidelines that meet their goals and requirements.


Team Selection Process

  • The final player evaluation rankings are used to place players in ranked order and this ranked order is used to create the proposed teams. Team selection adheres to the ratings from the current evaluations only.
  • Principles regarding player/parent requests on team selection:  CDs will try to accommodate all requests for player-to-player matches where requests are mutual between both players. In these cases, SEERA will only permit player movement down to satisfy a request (e.g. a player on higher tiered team will be allowed to move down a tier). Prior to initiating these moves, the CD will discuss the proposed movement with higher placed player / parent to confirm their desire before implementing a change. CDs may exercise discretion to prevent a stronger player from dropping down too far, to ensure safety and competitiveness of all players on the lower team. Requests to match a player with a specific coach are not routinely accommodated, and will only be considered under extenuating circumstances. Please ensure you identify any requests on the player registration form and also discuss your request directly with the CD or Commissioner during the evaluations.  When CDs identify a group of similarly skilled players which is larger than one team, they may choose to create two evenly balanced teams. This larger pool of players may allow the CD to honor more links.
  • Final goaltender ranking is completed using the mathematical averages for the goaltenders from all goaltender skates.
  • The number of players per team will vary by age category and even team by team within an age category. Teams can be made up between 12 and 19 players.
  • Players may be moved up or down 1 team if the need for a qualified volunteer Head Coach must be addressed.
  • Systemic and mathematical errors are also looked for in a review of the current process to make sure each player received a fair evaluation.
  • Team selection must be done within the timeframe dictated by EFHL. Timelines do not allow for extended evaluations or mass player movement beyond predefined deadlines. The deadline is usually around the 3rd week of September to have team selection and Head Coaches finalized.

General Information

SEERA Hockey is community House League hockey. It is not South Side Athletic Club, Maple Leaf Athletic Club or the Golden Bears or a training program for the NHL. SEERA Hockey is largely operated by volunteers with the resources we have at our disposal within the community. Our mission is to provide a quality hockey program that emphasizes basic hockey skills, and personal development and life skills, including effective work habits, thinking skills, positive self-esteem, teamwork, fair play, discipline, fun and enjoyment of the game.

If you have any comments, suggestions or questions feel free to contact our President.

Player Evaluations – Frequently Asked Questions

The following list addresses many of the most common questions that arise regarding the player evaluations and the overall process that is undertaken in order to place players on balanced and competitive teams.

  1. When are the player evaluation sessions?
    • SEERA Hockey primarily conducts player evaluations typically occur in September. CDs will be very clear in communicating to players and parents their skate times.
  2. Where can I go to find information about evaluation schedules?
    • Evaluation dates will be communicated to players and parents as early as possible. The CDs and their off-ice administrators will assist with getting this information distributed. The schedule may be shared via email and/or posted on the website/TeamSnap. Parents and players should visit frequently in order to stay up to date on evaluation activities and schedules.
  3. How many evaluation rounds will there be?
    • Typically there are three or four rounds. CDs will identify the number of rounds at the start of evaluations.
  4. Who will do the evaluations?
    • There are 3 key groups involved in the evaluations:
      • On-ice coaches to take players through the session.
      • Off-ice evaluators who will be responsible to evaluate every player on the ice during each skate.
      • Off-ice administrators who will be responsible for tracking evaluations, contacting parents, players and scheduling sessions.
  5. What should my player wear to the evaluation?
    • Full equipment is always mandatory. This includes:
      • Protective cup
      • Shin pads
      • Hockey socks
      • Hockey pants
      • Skates
      • Shoulder pads
      • Elbow pads
      • Hockey gloves
      • Neck guard
      • CSA approved helmet with a full face shield
      • Mouth guard (recommended, not mandatory)
      • Hockey stick
    • Players must wear full equipment whenever they are on the ice. This includes shinny sessions, evaluations, practices and all games. There will be no exceptions to this rule. Players will not be allowed onto the ice if they are not wearing a full set of equipment.
    • Parents are reminded to check the fitting of all hockey equipment prior to the start of evaluation sessions. As well, if new skates have been obtained prior to evaluations it is often a good idea to give the player an opportunity to try the skates on ice prior to the start of evaluations. As evaluators are very much focused on skating skills it is important to recognize the impact that a pair of new skates can have on a player’s ability to perform. One or two practice sessions (prior to evaluations) with a new pair of skates can make an important difference in the ability of the player to feel comfortable on the ice.
  6. What do I do when I get to the arena?
    • Players are asked to show up at the arena at least 30 minutes prior to their scheduled skate time. Players will check-in at the registration desk and the registration staff will provide each player with a numbered pinney and cover any final instructions prior to the on-ice activities.
  7. Do the evaluators know the players’ names?
    • The evaluators are only provided with the players’ pinny numbers. They do not receive any information that directly identifies the players by name.
  8. How are the players notified of their standing within the process?
    • Players will be informed by the off-ice administrators who are responsible for tracking evaluations, contacting parents and players and scheduling sessions. Players will not typically be informed at the rink regarding their next scheduled skate time. Following analysis of the evaluation session the CD will notify players to inform them of their next skate time. CDs will inform parents how skate times will be communicated. This may be via email or posted on the website/TeamSnap.
  9. Will the player be evaluated in a skill and game environment?
    • Players will be evaluated in a game environment, unless otherwise instructed. For example, goalies may have a goalie specific skills evaluation in addition to evaluation games.
  10. I notice that my son/daughter is playing evaluation games with many of the same players – have the teams already been determined?
    • Team selections do not take place until evaluations have been completed. In order to evaluate the differences between all players it is important to showcase them in many different playing situations and against a variety of competition. Players are being evaluated on a “per player” basis thus the concept of team does not factor into the process. Players will be tested in many different combinations throughout the evaluation period – sometimes with players they haven’t played with before and sometimes with players that were together on past teams. Participation in an exhibition game or group practice prior to the official selection of teams should not be construed by the players or the parents as a guarantee of a position on a certain team. Until the teams are officially selected, players are NOT registered with, or assigned to, any specific team. No inference should be made about a player’s placement with a team until the official team selection has been completed.
  11. I notice that my son/daughter is playing evaluation games away from their teammates from last season – if they all played together last year shouldn’t they all be grouped together for evaluations this year?
    • No. Please refer to the answer for question 10.
  12. How soon after evaluations will the team selections take place?
    • Team selections will typically take place within a week of the final evaluations wrapping up for a given category. The CDs and their off-ice administrators will assist with getting this information distributed. The SEERA Hockey website is an important location that parents and players should visit frequently in order to stay up to date on team activities and schedules.
  13. How will the evaluation information be used?
    • The evaluation information is used as a key indicator of player skills and potential. It is used throughout the team selection process in helping to determine the appropriate level of play for a given player. Category Directors and Coaches all rely on this information as they work to complete team selections.
  14. I’d like to provide some input to the evaluation process – how do I put forward some of my observations or suggestions?
    • SEERA Hockey will often conduct on-line surveys following the completion of the evaluations and team selection processes. Through the survey, you will have the opportunity to let us know what went well with the evaluation and team selection process and where we can improve for future years. Whether or not there is a formal survey, we also encourage parents to speak directly with our CDs, and their assistants, to ensure that we hear your comments on these critical aspects of our hockey operations.


Assigning Players to Teams – Frequently Asked Questions

The following list addresses many of the most common questions that arise regarding the assignment of players to specific teams.

  • When will team selections take place?
    • The date for team selections will vary from year to year but will usually occur within a week of the evaluations wrapping up for a given category. Team selection dates will be communicated to players and parents as early as possible. The Category Director(s) and their off-ice administrators will assist with getting this information distributed. The SEERA Hockey Website ( is an important location that parents and players should visit frequently in order to stay up to date on team activities and schedules.
  • What criteria are used to determine the number of teams within a given category?
    • Prior to team selection each Category Director, in conjunction with the Hockey Director(s), must determine the total number of teams that will be formed. In addition, it must be determined how many players/goaltenders will be allowed onto each team. These numbers (both team and player counts) can vary from year to year depending upon the total number of players registered in a given category.
  • Who is in attendance at the team selections and what are their roles / responsibilities?
    • The team selection process is executed by the Head Coach, the Hockey Director (and his/her assistant) as well as the Category Director (and his/her assistant). Ultimately the Hockey Director is responsible for, and has the authority, to ensure that team selections are done in accordance with procedures and bylaws of the SEERA Hockey Association.
  • How are players assigned to teams?
    • SEERA Hockey prefers that all players in a particular age group be tiered from top to bottom. Based upon the results of the evaluations (skills and scrimmages), players are ranked from 1 to X. The top 10 ranked players are automatically assigned to the first team.Coaches then select from the next 10 players in order to round out their team roster (they are free to select in rank order or, through the use of evaluation results, select players that have specific skills or abilities that are key for the coach).The remaining players are then re-ranked with the top 10 players being automatically selected for the second team. The coach then selects from the next 10 players in order to round out their team roster (they are free to select in rank order or, through the use of evaluation results, selecting players that have specific skills or abilities that will be key for this team). The process continues until the players for the final two teams in a specific category are up for selection. Depending upon the relative skill level of the players the process will be completed as for previous teams or, the final two teams will be evenly split skill wise (based upon evaluation results and input from the Hockey and Category Directors) in order to field competitive teams at every level.
  • Can players be moved between categories?
    • Strict guidelines are in place regarding player eligibility. SEERA Hockey adheres to the guidelines as written by Hockey Edmonton. In general, player movements to either higher or lower categories are very rare and must be approved by Hockey Edmonton.
  • Who is the final authority for player assignments / selections to specific teams?
    • The final authority is the SEERA Hockey Director.
  • What happens after the teams are selected?
    • The coach for each team will contact the players / parents directly. During the first contact, which may be via phone or email, the coach will:
      1. Introduce themselves
      2. Welcome the player to their team
      3. Communicate the date for the first meeting with the parents and players (if known)
      4. Introduce other coaches (if already known)
      5. Provide the upcoming practice schedule (if known)
      6. Provide the upcoming game schedule (if known)
  • I have some questions about the evaluation process or the placement of my son/daughter. Who should I speak to?
    • Specific concerns regarding evaluations or the team selection process should be directed to the Category Director(s) first and then to the Hockey Director(s). The Directors will do their best to answer your questions. Specific details related to the evaluations or player selection process (i.e. evaluation scores, player rankings, coach selection criteria) are considered confidential and will not be disclosed to players or parents.
  • Can I appeal my son/daughter's placement to a specific team?
    • As in a court of law, the grounds for an appeal are limited; an appeal should be heard only if the selection was not made according to the rules or process, if the selection committee or coach were biased or if the decision was grossly unfair or unreasonable. The merit or substance of the decision is not a valid ground for an appeal. The SEERA Hockey Association evaluation and team selection process is focused on placing players on teams where they are competitive skill and ability wise and where they are best able to grow and improve throughout the hockey season. Listed below are some of the ways in which we ensure that our evaluation and team selection process is fair:
      • We abide by the procedures and bylaws of the SEERA Hockey Association relative to player evaluations and team selections
      • We are objective with respect to the evaluator process, its participants and its administrators. Where possible conflicts may exist we exclude certain evaluation scores from a players rating and we will disallow any input to the team selection process
      • We use standard criteria for evaluating player skills, attitudes and potential. We maintain oversight throughout the evaluation process by conducting spot audits on player results and evaluation team groupings.
      • A selection committee oversees the team selection process so that a coach does not have the opportunity to stack his/her team nor can they arbitrarily select players (outside of a narrow talent range as identified by the selection committee)
      • The Hockey Director has the authority, and mandate, to ensure that all relevant SEERA Hockey selection processes are followed correctly and is the final authority with respect to appealsParents are advised that if an issue is escalated in such a way as to bypass or circumvent the responsible SEERA Hockey Category Director and/or Hockey Director that the next level of governing body (i.e. SEERA and/or Hockey Edmonton) will automatically redirect the issue back through the appropriate SEERA Hockey Association Director channel for follow-up or resolution.
  • I’d like to provide some input to the team selection process – how do I put forward some of my observations or suggestions?
    • SEERA Hockey will often conduct on-line surveys following the completion of the evaluations and team selection processes. Through the survey you will have the opportunity to let us know what went well with the evaluation and team selection processes and where we can improve for future years.Whether or not there is a formal survey, we also encourage parents to speak directly with our Category and Hockey Directors, and their assistants, to ensure that we hear your comments on these critical aspects of our hockey operations.


SEERA Hockey wishes to recognize the contributions of Hockey Canada (and numerous other parties) that helped develop the initial framework and standard content for this document.