Referee Clinic
North Region Clinic Information

All the clinics in the North Region are marked as Private and in order to register for any of these clinics, you must contact the clinic person whose name is attached to the clinic you would like to register for and they will send you the link.
New Officials
- New officials in the North Region, which includes Edmonton and area, need to take their clinic in their home community first and if they cannot attend that clinic, they need to contact their community Referee in Chief (RIC) to see if they can attend another clinic elsewhere.
- New officials must take the on-line course before being able to register for an in-person clinic. If you are interested in becoming an official, please take the on-line course now before in-person clinics fill up.
- For more information on general requirements for referees, please visit Hockey Alberta - Become an Official.
Returning Officials
The South East Zone clinic is September 22 at Holy Trinity High School. If you can't attend that day, please check this list of clinics and get in touch with the contact for a clinic that works for you. You have permission to attend another clinic and still referee in our zone.
Please do not wait for the last minute to register or you might run out of time to attend a near-by clinic. Register today!
For more information please contact our South East Zone RIC:
Ron Oscroft
(780) 718-9298